dear CUSTOMERS, As of March 1, 2023 we are temporarily closed until the further notice.
Dates for Private Groups (CFSC/CRFSC or CFSC/Hunter Education) available on request, at your facility or ours. 10 – 12 participants are required for holding a special class.
Please contact
CFSC / CRFSC (Barrie Location)
(consisting of the Canadian Firearms Safety Course & Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course)
You must be in possession of a non-restricted PAL to attend the Canadian Restricted Firearms Course (CRFSC).
To take Hunter Education, contact . Course is now available in a virtual format.
To register for CFSC/CRFSC, please see contact information below.
- Extra courses may be added depending on demand
- Pre-registration including payment required for all courses
- Favorable instructor / student ratio of max. 1:12 for CFSC & CRFSC
- Written exam and practical test will be done the same day.
- Special classes can be arranged using our classroom or your facilities for 10-12 participants during the week or available weekends.
Price includes HST, Student Manual, exam and test.
Pre-registration and full payment are required in advance to guarantee your seat.
- a) CFSC – $190
- b) CRFSC – $190
- c) Hunter Ed. – $190
- d) CFSC & CRFSC – $320
- e) CFSC & Hunter Education – $330
Several options are available to register for our courses:
- by email and E-transfer
- dropping off payment at our home in Barrie
- mailing a cheque if time permits
Once payment has been received your seat is then fully guaranteed.
Registration & payment can be done through email using Interac E-transfer. Messages will be promptly returned.
Taking the Course:
The non-restricted Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) begins at 8:00 am. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before starting time. Course consists of 10 hours of instructions with a short break for lunch. Written exam & practical test will be done on the same day.
The restricted Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CRFSC) begins at 8:30 am. and finishes around 5.00 pm. Written exam and practical test will be done at the end of the day.
Ontario Hunter Education Program (OHEP) starts at 8:00 am. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early. There’s a short break for lunch and course is usually finished by 6:00 pm. Written exam will be done on the same day.
NOTE: One I.D. with picture is required for the CFSC, CRFSC and also Hunter Education
Cancellation Policy:
- 14 days or more day before course date, full refund
- 14 days or less, no refund
Barrie Gun Club: 3619 County Road 40, Springwater ON, L4M 4S4 (see on map)